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What we can all do during these chaotic times. Right now may seem to be the best time to panic with all the chaos going on in the world.
However if we stay calm in these types of situations then we get a more positive outcome.
A lot of times things are designed to disrupt our lives without us knowing this. Although things do get tough sometimes it is important to know that we are all more powerful then any situation.
When our hearts are full of love and compassion for the next person then it is much easier to come together in any situation and turn it in to a positive one as well as create an amazing learning experience.
The best thing we can do for the planet is each individual come together in harmony to make this planet better then how we found it.
There is always something each one of us can do to help the next person no matter how small it still counts.
We are all connected beings in this Divine Universe so when you help someone else you are actually helping yourself. Also, when you are hurting someone else you are hurting yourself.
In this Divine Universe whatever energy you send out is the same energy you will get back whether negative or positive.
When we work together as a team we can accomplish much more than we can alone. We all have all the power to make this world a better place by starting with self and becoming our best version.
What happens next does not have to remain unknown for it is up to each one of us to create our own reality rather than it being created for you.
Not only does it feel amazing when you help someone it is also great for the health.
In these times it is also easy to fall in the mind-state of fear however, fear weakens the immune system to make it easier to attract illnesses.
When we let love guide us fear has no place in our life as well as it can not disrupt our life in the least.
For every problem in the universe there is a solution even though it can sometimes be in disguise. The most important thing right now is health for everyone on the planet.
Meditating every day can also help to make any circumstance a positive experience. Most things are only temporary and there is always a lesson to be learned from any situation.
Never allow any situation to have control over your life for you are always more powerful. We can start today making this a better world the only time is now.