There are a variety of healing tones that have been used for centuries to improve every level of health.

These frequencies connect to our chakra system to promote faster healing by removing blockages that prevents the energy flow to each chakra.

For each chakra there is a unique tone that connects to it for the most powerful healing.

We all have a total of seven chakras in our body which is also referred to as energy centers.

The experiences we have throughout our journey of life can have a negative effect on us by causing one or more chakras to be blocked or become out of balance.

Every chakra has a certain amount of energy flow that is needed to prevent blockages which can cause issues with our physical, emotional, and mental health.

Using these universal tones and frequencies is the easiest way to begin the healing process internally.

The same way that certain tones can be used to heal, there are also negative tones that if we listen to can actually cause health issues such as the 440hz frequency.

With the music industry unfortunately the majority of the music that is created is purposely tuned to 440hz that is used for an agenda to affect the minds of the masses to disrupt the thought process.

The music that is played on the mainstream radio is also tuned to 440hz to further promote an agenda.

It is important to understand how the entities that control the music industry use negative frequencies against us while the majority are not even aware that this is happening.

These entities are very well aware of the power that frequencies have on our mental and emotional health, this is why the low vibrational frequencies are used in many ways.

In the past 30+ years the use of these low vibrational tones in mainstream music has dramatically increased which affects all the youth generations more than anyone.

When we become aware of the difference between negative and positive vibrational tones then we can understand the effects they have on our health.

Certain frequencies have been used for many years as a mind control technique by  secret entities to program someone’s brain to be in a hypnotized state of mind.

Tones can also be used for coding in someone’s brain as well as it can be used for programming positive or negative messages.

When you are aware of these frequencies and how they can be used, then you can program your own mind with positive thoughts and messages rather than being programmed unknowingly and without your consent.

Many people have even called the 440hz frequency being used for mind control a conspiracy when, in fact the word conspiracy was created many years ago by the same entities that started the agenda to be able to completely control the minds of all humanity with frequencies being used as one of the mind control techniques.

Being aware of all the frequencies will allow you to use them in your favor to heal your mind and body from any issue.




The root chakra connects with the 396hz frequency as well as the color red and red fruits or vegetables.

This chakra is located at the base of your spine and it is also connected to many areas of the body.

The root chakra covers the feet, legs, anus, last 3 vertebrae, large intestine, and the pelvic plexus.

When there is a blockage or an imbalance with this chakra you will notice  pain from some if not all these areas of your body feet, legs, lower back, lower stomach to mid abdomen, colon, and anus.

Foods such as strawberries, raspberries, red grapes, red bell peppers, red plums, watermelon, and many more red foods works great to help balance the root chakra.

To open the root chakra you can start by eating the food that is connected to this chakra which the food also helps to clear the mind for better focus.

After clearing the mind and body from toxins by choosing natural foods than you can begin to use the 396hz frequency to program your mind with positive messages for repair of the root chakra.

Frequencies can also help by clearing the mind for less thinking about pain and putting more focus on healing. 

The root chakra is also connected to our reproduction, sensuality, grounding, security, stability, and sexuality.

If this chakra is blocked it can interfere with your sex drive, conceiving a child, the desire to give or receive affection, feeling grounded, and level of courage.

Use the 396hz to start healing your body now by listening to it for at least 30 minutes every day.


The sacral chakra is connected to the 417hz frequency also, the color orange and orange foods.

This chakra is located in the lumbar spine if through the back or under the navel if through the stomach.

Water is the base of the sacral chakra for water is what cleanses the body internally and externally.

Our bodies are made up of 70% water in which this element also holds memory as well as it is a very beneficial resource for our body.

The body needs water every day however, it is important that we are giving our bodies the cleanest non-toxic water we can such as alkaline water preferably that has a ph9 level  or above.

Water can even be used for manifestation by disrupting the old memory that it holds and replace it with new memory before you drink it.

Yes you can absolutely talk to water and program it for whatever you desire such as health, wealth, and love.

There is several methods for programming water to get the results you desire to see.

You can write out your desire on a small sticky note then stick it on the glass of water you are going to drink.

After sticking the note on the glass, now get in the emotion that you already have what is written on the note as you are also speaking gratitude in advance for having what you want now.

To fully program the water to what you desire, you should spend at least 10-15 minutes meditating with the water being in the gratitude feeling while also playing the 417hz tone.

The orange foods such as oranges, tangerines, mangoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, peaches, apricots, and orange bell peppers all are beneficial for the sacral chakra.

417hz frequency is great for helping to remove blockages from the sacral chakra.  

When this chakra is blocked you may notice issues with your mid to upper abdomen, mid back, kidney’s, liver, small or large intestine, and bladder.

The sacral chakra is also connected to creativity, stress, tension, joint pain, emotional, mental, and physical energy.

When this chakra is not working properly it can cause a feeling of burnout, fatigue, depression, and overwhelmed.

Let the beautiful 417hz frequency help your body to heal by listening to it every day.


The solar plexus chakra is aligned with 528hz frequency as well as the color yellow also, yellow foods.

In the body, the solar plexus chakra is located two inches above the navel in the upper abdomen.

This chakra represents identity and personality and it can also be referred to as shining gem.

The solar plexus is connected to the large intestines, upper back, and breastbone.

When this chakra is blocked you can experience personality disorders, feeling of fear, low self-esteem, feeling overwhelmed, and the lack of evolving.

Yellow foods that are beneficial for the solar plexus chakra are bananas, lemons, yellow squash, yellow kiwi, yellow bell pepper, yellow watermelon, pineapple, pears, yellow apples, and more.

All the amazing natural yellow foods are highly beneficial for the health of this chakra as well for our whole health.

This energy center also known as the navel chakra plays a role in our anxiety levels, personal power, digestion, opinion, and growth.

To open this chakra or to balance it out you can meditate with the 528hz tone every day for thirty minutes and introduce as many natural yellow foods as you can into your lifestyle.

The more we meditate and eat to live is when we will see an improvement in this chakra and overall health.

Use the 528hz tone to open the mind which will then begin to change your world for nothing in the world changes until we do as a human.

Help yourself to grow by programming your mind to heal the body completely mentally, physically, and spiritually.

When you expand your mind you are better at creating the world you desire instead of attracting the world you do not want to live in.


The heart chakra vibrates with the 639hz frequency and resonates to the color green and green foods.

This chakra is located in the center of the chest and it is connected to the heart, immune system, lungs, as well as the upper body muscles.

The heart chakra represent our love energy center with love being the highest frequency in the universe.

When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced you may see issues with heart health, lungs, and weak immune system, obsession, lust confused for love, and sexuality.

Beneficial green foods for the heart chakra are limes, cucumbers, green apples, green grapes, kale, spinach, avocado, green pepper, green beans, turnips greens, celery, kiwi, and asparagus.

These green foods have an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

This chakra is also connected to compassion, devotion, circulation, unconditional love, and passion.

To balance the heart chakra you can start by going within your self to open up your heart and mind to the emotion of love.

Listening to 639hz while meditating helps to open the heart and mind to see the true beauty of the universe within yourself.

The love frequency is the most powerful energy that flows throughout the entire world.

For thirty minutes every day use the 639hz tones to help remove any blockages in the heart chakra.

The main goal of the universal consciousness is to get every person vibrating on the same love frequency to create a whole new world.

When every person in the universe is aligned with the love vibration then it becomes the strongest force that can never be destroyed. 

We are all connected through the highest energy source that has ever existed in the universe which means each of us is needed for the divine destiny of the world.




The throat chakra connects with the 741hz frequency as well as the color light blue and blue foods.

In the body, this chakra is located directly in the pit of the throat that is also close to the spine.

Throat chakra represents free will and the power of our voice such as freedom of speech.

This chakra is also known as the Vishuddha and is connected to our feelings, thought, and intentions.

The heart chakra helps us to show our uniqueness by expressing our thoughts out loud.

The blue foods for this chakra can also be purple such as grapes, prunes, plums, eggplant, raisins, blueberries, purple onions, purple cabbage, and elderberries, also these foods are the same for the third eye chakra and crown chakra.

These foods are packed full of vitamins, and they are the superfoods our bodies need.

A blocked or imbalanced throat chakra can cause issues with our throat, nose, ears, and respiratory system.

This chakra is also connected to security, independence, communication, and expression.

The 741hz frequency helps you with creative thinking, ideas, confidence, and the ability to speak clearly.

Remove any blockages in the throat chakra with the delicious blue foods and the 741hz tone by using it for meditation for half an hour every day.

Open up the whole universe inside you by opening all the energy centers that exist in the body.



The third eye chakra aligns with 852hz frequency also, the color dark blue as well as blue and purple foods.

This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows and is connected to higher consciousness.

The 3RD eye chakra represents enlightenment and you begin to have a spiritual awakening which leads to your higher self.

To become aware is also seeing through the illusion world that many confuse with reality.

When the third eye begins to open, you will start to see the world outside you is not what is appears to be for it is like an enormous illusion system that is constantly running.

After the 3RD eye is open you will then have the ability to travel through different dimensions within the mind.

This chakra is also connected to spirituality which helps you to see your connection to higher source energy.

3RD eye connects you to unlimited information about the universe that is never ending for it is infinite.

When this chakra has a blockage or it is imbalanced then you are easier controlled by the illusion world that is also about fear and propaganda systems that are designed for confusion.

The third eye chakra is also connected to meditation, intuition, perspective, being closed minded, and clarity.

The 852hz tone helps with connecting with spirits, lucid dreams, astral projections, and clears the mind to see truth through illusions.

This chakra is more powerful when all the whole chakra system is balanced and working properly.

It can be more difficult to unblock this chakra as well if any other chakra has a blockage.

By combining all the information together on how to improve the health of each chakra, all of your energy centers will be working better than ever in no time which will also improve your life.


The crown chakra vibrates with 963hz frequency as well as the color purple and blue and purple foods.

The very top of the head is where the crown chakra is located and it is the most powerful chakra of all for it represents being in full knowing of our self, that of which is beyond the physical body.

When this chakra is open it means you will have graduated to go to the highest level of consciousness.

All the energy centers in the body known as the chakra system work together which gives us the ability to our most powerful greatest version.

The crown chakra is the driving force for the entire chakra system for nothing can function properly without it.

When we are born the crown of the head is the most delicate part of our body however, it has always been the most powerful area of our body.

It is important that we feed the body what it needs to nourish the crown chakra which also feeds life into the other energy centers.

The 963hz frequency helps us to connect with the ancient ancestors, ascended masters, our higher self, other dimensions, spiritual channeling.

When the crown chakra is not opened or balanced then it can cause issues with headaches, eyesight, high blood pressure, epilepsy, Parkinson disease, and paralysis.

This powerful chakra also connects to universal consciousness, karma, meditation, transcendental consciousness, and oneness.

It is possible to completely shift your reality when the crown chakra is fully functioning to its best ability.

Work on improving the health of your whole chakra system by using all the powerful tones every day listening to each one for thirty minutes, so they are all working together to become aligned.

Frequencies are important for our chakra system however, the natural colorful foods are to that nourishes the body which is also fuel for us.



The 432hz frequency is well known for its healing and therapeutic benefits when it is used for meditation.

This powerful frequency is also linked to spirituality, emotional and mental health.

432hz tone can help to improve your mood, energy levels, focus, creative thoughts, feeling of abundance, and level of calm.

The feeling of peace also comes from listening to this powerful frequency every day.

When using the 432hz tone you are also getting the benefits of 728hz frequency which is the universal source code.

You can use these codes for your benefits for they all have healing abilities and powerful coded messages.

You can listen to the 432hz tone while you sleep for added benefits to the subconscious mind.

Programming your mind while you sleep with positive messages can help to completely change your life in a short amount of time to live your dream life.

Frequencies are simple to use however, it is important to not mistake the power they have in our life

For the best health results stick with the recommended frequencies that have the most benefits for your life and the ones that are of a high positive vibration rather than the ones that are on a negative vibration.