Astrology helps us to understand our life purpose on a much deeper and significant level. Astrology comes from ancient studies that collected massive amounts of data that exists in the universe.

There are different levels of astrology such as your zodiac sign, astrological sign, life path number, and more.

When we are born most of us do not remember who we were in our past lives and astrology helps us to better understand our connection to the Divine Universe.

The more we know and understand who we are and where we come from the more powerful we are.

We are infinite beings which means we have been here many times before now for energy never dies only transfers.

Understanding astrology opens up a whole new world of opportunities while having this human experience.

Astrology can be like having a mental guide through the journey of life.

In ancient times there was a whole civilization that lived together in peace and harmony that was also on the same vibration as the Divine Universe.

We are now in the age of Aquarius that is also the age of consciousness which means the truth that has been hidden is now coming to the surface.

For many years humans has unknowingly been a part of planned illusions that has been created by dark forces that work from a negative energy fields.

Much of true ancient history has been hidden however, some history is also disguised in plain sight.

As well dark forces has also tried to destroy knowledge that benefits humanity however, truth can never be destroyed and can only be hidden temporary for it is designed to always surface.


What is known as the Mayan calendar revealed how 2012 would be a significant year. In most places in the world it is 2020 however, in places such as Ethiopia still use the Mayan calendar which would make it 2012 right now.

The Mayan calendar was also noted to have existed even before the Mayan civilization.

Many people have perceived the Mayan calendar as referring to the end of the world 12/21/2012.

When speaking of the end of the world this has been misunderstood for it is the ending of one age and the beginning of a new age.

We were in the age of Pisces and now we have moved into the age of Aquarius.

This means it is the end of the world as we knew it to be before 2012/2020.

In the age of Pisces many people were not aware of many things that have been used against them to control them unknowingly.

As we have moved into the age of Aquarius, the veil is being lifted from the eyes of millions around the world.

More and more people have started taking their power back from the dark forces that have ruled over the masses for centuries.

In this present divine age the dark forces are losing huge amounts of power they have been granted to control the masses as many have realized they have had the true power over their reality this whole time.

When you begin to have a better understanding of your own personalized complete astrology chart then it is easier to find your divine path through life.

Your astrology chart will reveal many things about who you are on many levels.

Astrology is fascinating information that can reveal things about your life since birth that you may have otherwise overlooked by thinking it did not have significant meaning.

The time, day, and year as well as your name at birth all have significant meaning in every lifetime you are reborn including this one.

Anyone can learn the math of configuring your own personal astrology numbers.

When one is sure of their life purpose they become unstoppable when completing a divine mission.


Your birth chart is made up by a variety of number sequences that also coincide with the planets, the moon, the stars, and the sun.

In your birth chart you have a life path number, a soul number, astrological number, as well as many more levels that completes your being, your energy, and your DNA.

When you are born the alignment of the planets plays a big role in your life path.

Your birth chart will reveal to you what a lot of your insecurities are and what you spiritual blockages are that keeps you from advancing in life.

We have all went through experiences that was needed to learn certain lessons however, sometimes one has to repeat an experience more than once to fully learn the value of the lessons that was meant to be learned.

Your birth chart can also reveal to you what your natural talents are.

When you want to know your life path number, it is easy to do the math to get the answer.

How you would get your life path number is by adding all the numbers together in your birth day.


1+1+2+6+1+9+8+1=29  2+9=11

When you add all of your numbers and the answer is two numbers then you will add them numbers together until you only have one number.

However, if your number equals 11,22,33 you will not reduce it to one number for 11,22,33 are master numbers.



Your soul urge number can reveal your hearts  desire. Most of the time we are only using one side of the brain so much of who we are is not revealed.

Knowing your soul urge number helps you to connect back to the other half of you which allows you to use your full brain power. 

Your soul urge is important for it also reveals what your main purpose, your mission is in this cycle of your human experience.

To calculate your soul urge number you will only use the vowels in your full name at birth using a Pythagorean chart. Also, if a Y is used as a vowel then it to will also be counted. The Pythagorean chart consist of the numbers 1-9 and the letters A-Z. After you add the vowels in your name you will then reduce it to only one digit.


AYEEE  1+7+5+5+5=23  2+3=5




Through every level of your entire astrology chart you will be shown another part of yourself. The main goal of knowing thy self is reaching the highest level of your being. 

To reach the highest level of one’s potential is to know you are a multidimensional infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience.

Some are not aware that there is so much more to someone then just the human form vessel you are driving on planet earth.

To many times we get distracted with just the outer appearance known as the human body.

The force that drives the human body is of the most importance for the body has no function without the force.

This human experience is only for a very short time compared to the universal experience.

We have been born many times on this planet for this is not our first time here as energy can only transfer and it can never be destroyed.

We will continue to be reborn on this planet to have human experiences to learn every single lesson we need to know to become our greatest version of our self that is perfectly aligned with the rhythm of the Divine Universe.

When someone knows their true divine purpose for being here then it is an amazing experience as well as an opportunity to help others know their purpose.

In this human experience we are all here to help each other such as what one is lacking another one shares and that is how we grow on a spiritual level. 

Mother Earth is an amazing beautiful place for it is only one’s perception of the world that makes it appear to be what it looks like to them.

Every single person experiences life in their own way for we are all here on different spiritual levels as well some are in different dimensions.

You travel to different dimensions through your own mind for you are a free being.


Every astrology sign has positive and negative traits which is what gives us balance and makes us who we are. 

Having negative traits does not mean that it is a bad thing, it is just another level of one expressing themselves on how they perceive any situation they may experience in the human form.

Every single person experiences the journey of life in their own individual way while still being a part of the whole collective consciousness.

Everything in the entire universe is connected as a whole and nothing is separate for everything is energy.

Many people have not experienced their awakening of the mind that helps them to better understand their connection to everything else.

When we understand our traits then it is easier to balance them out for the best human experience.

Without balance a lot of time we can experience more of the negative side of our traits rather than the positive side. 

When we are mainly dealing with our negative traits, then it creates a negative reality.

Astrology originates from ancient times and also it focuses on the past, present, and future.

Astrology can also be used for future predictions for many events that will come to pass.

Depending on the planetary positions, this can determine what the future holds on many levels.

Many events that has happened or that have yet to happen are solely based on the alignment of the planets.

When you begin to further understand astrology, then you will understand how it is possible for different events to happen.

Anything is possible for anyone’s life when you are aligned to the same vibration as the Divine Universe.


The Akashic Records are the collection of data that is not in physical form for it is all energy transferred between you and the universe.

The collection of data consists of words, intent, thoughts and emotions from the past, present, and future.

Every single thing that happens in your life is recorded in the Akashic Records known as the mental plane.

It is important that we are cautious of every word we speak, every thought we think, every intention we give energy to, and every emotion we feel.

Once our data is recorded in these records that same data can not be changed or removed for it exist for eternity.

Even though these records can not be changed it is possible to change our mind to a more positive frequency to begin recording a more beneficial data that will improve our entire life.

The Akashic Records is like having an unlimited mental library. If one wants to access these records they can only do so by going within themselves.

These records hold the data of every single living being that has ever existed in this universe for it is infinite meaning there is no ending to the data that is being constantly collected.