The chakra system is made up of seven energy channels within the body that determines how the body functions.

A lot of people has blockages in their chakra system that does not allow energy to flow through them freely.

When one or more chakra is blocked it can affect the whole body negatively. The chakra system can also be out of balance meaning that one chakra can have too much energy flowing through it while another one does not get enough energy which can also cause problems.


The Root Chakra is located at the Perineum and is associated with the color red. This chakra represents Trust such as a sense of security.

The root chakra is connected to the colon, kidneys, legs, and spinal column.


The Sacral Chakra is located near the Sacrum and is associated with the color orange. This chakra represents Creativity, Sexuality such as emotionally stable. The sacral chakra is connected to the bladder, reproductive organs, and prostate.


The Naval Chakra is located near the belly button and is associated with the color yellow. This chakra represents Wisdom, Power such as willpower. The naval chakra is connected to the liver, pancreas, and stomach.


The Heart Chakra is located near the heart and is associated with the color green. This chakra represents Love, Healing such as unconditional love. The heart chakra is connected to the arms, hands, circulatory system, and heart.


The Throat Chakra is located at the throat and is associated with the color blue. This chakra represents Communication such as truth. The throat chakra is connected to the mouth, thyroid, hypothalamus, and throat.


The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of the brain and is associated with the color purple. This chakra represents Awareness such as knowing truth. The third eye chakra is connected to the ears, nose, pituitary gland, and the pineal gland.


The Crown Chakra is located above the crown of the head and is associated with the color light purple. This chakra represents Spirituality such as higher consciousness. The crown chakra is connected to the brain.

When our chakra system is functioning properly then we are also abundantly healthy. When we are completely healthy then sickness is not possible no matter the illness.

Many people are not aware that they are even experiencing a blocked chakra.

It is possible for someone to do their own analysis on their chakra system to single out which chakra has the issue.

To find the chakra with the blockage one must go within their self to diagnose it.

There is no pill in the universe that can unblock a chakra for it is all energy. 

When one fully understands the chakra system as well as what emotion each chakra is connected to.

No one has the exact same experiences only similar for we all are having an individual experience

Each one of us has the power to master our entire chakra system with our very own mind.

It does not have to be difficult to pin point any issue within our body and it is never too hard to solve.

After years of research I found that the power to heal comes from within no matter what the situation is.

We are born powerful with every thing we need for every lifetime we come to Mother Earth to experience.

Fruits and veggies are connected to each chakra as well by color. Mother Natures food is the medicine that fuels our body.

The only food that is meant for the human body is that of which can only be grown in Mother Nature and never processed.


The root chakra is connected to the red foods as well as much more. Red foods such as cherries, strawberries, raspberries, tomato, red apples, red bell peppers, watermelon, pomegranate, and more are great foods for the root chakra. These foods can help to open the root energy channel. The root chakra is about trusting the universe and letting go of doubt.

The sacral chakra is connected to orange foods such as oranges, cantaloupe, mangoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, orange bell pepper, apricots, and more. All of these foods have a ton of nutrients and vitamins in them to help energy flow through the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is about creativity is expressing one’s self. Your creativity comes from your own uniqueness that no one else has only you.

The navel chakra is connected to yellow foods such as pineapple, lemon, yellow squash, yellow bell pepper, banana, yellow kiwi, yellow watermelon, pears, yellow tomato, yellow beets, and more. All of these foods nourish the body and help energy flow through the navel chakra. The navel chakra is about wisdom and the second brain. The second brain is connected to the gut.

The heart chakra is connected to the green foods such as avocado, green apples, honeydew melon, green grapes, kiwi, limes, green pears, artichokes, arugula, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, cabbage, celery, cucumber, kale, and more. There are a ton of green foods that have amazing health benefits. The heart chakra is about love and eliminating hate.

The throat chakra is connected to the blue foods such as blackberries, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, figs, and many more. These foods fit into several color categories for they can also appear as purple and black however, they are all amazingly healthy. The throat chakra is all about communication, learning, becoming a teacher and spreading knowledge.

The third eye chakra is connected to the purple foods such as grapes, blackberries, eggplant, plums, figs, raisins, radish, and more. The third eye chakra is about awareness and knowing you are connected to a higher source that is greater than anything of this planet. A better understanding brings better opportunities in this lifetime. Be your greatest version on every level beyond what the eyes can see.

The crown chakra is also connected to the purple foods same as the third eye chakra. The crown chakra is about spirituality. We are infinite multi-dimensional spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. When the crown chakra is functioning properly there is no limit to what the mind can create. Our mind creates our reality constantly so change your mind change your world.

When you can align all of your energy channels with the same frequency as the Divine Universe there is no limit to your power. Your power comes more from mental strength rather than physical strength.

Once you have become one with the universe in the spiritual realm you can freely transport to different dimensions with your mind. 

Moving to higher dimensions is being in the state of knowing the connection between you and your higher self.

Many people are not aware of their higher self simply due to the lack of knowledge and understanding.

For one to become completely in tune with The Divine Creator they first have to analyze their own life and remove any negative energy that is not serving them.

Negative energy that flows through the body keeps the energy channels blocked.

Meditation works amazingly to release negative energy from the body and also helps to remove negative blockages.

When every chakra is open you are able to manifest things you desire in a matter of minutes or days depending on the desire.

When we are born some of our DNA is deactivated which is why we have certain experiences to learn the knowledge needed to reactivate every strain of our DNA.

We all have the same opportunity to be our most powerful self where there is no control over you as well as no limits.

In the 3D world there is a limit on the knowledge that one can learn about their higher self by design. 

When you are at a point of wanting to expand your consciousness you have a desire to seek knowledge understanding that what you see in the present moment is only a very small fraction of what the infinite universe is all about.

When we are born we forget who we are and how powerful we are and then as we get older we are taught that our power comes from outside us however, your only power comes from within.

Every single spiritual being having a human experience has the presence of the Divine Creator within them never outside them.

Changing my mind changed my life completely in many ways such as no more health issues, fear, anxiety, and other issues.

Since my shift in consciousness at a young age I have avoided many negative situations that steals your energy.

In the present times there are many what I call “ENERGY VAMPIRES” that walk amongst us.

Energy vampires are entities that takes whatever actions they have to against anyone to cause the spread of negative energy.

You can meet one of these energy vampires in person as well they are also used for television to push certain agendas, or narratives such as celebrities and media.

When all of our energy channels are activated it is impossible to be tricked by any agenda or narratives that is pushed on the minds of the masses.

Unconditional love is the highest frequency in the entire infinite universe and where there is love there can be no hate.

Hate can only be destroyed with love negative can only be reversed with positive.

We have the power to control what energy comes back to us by controlling the energy we send out into the universe.

Whether negative or positive energy no matter which one you send out the same energy will be sure to come back to you.

It is important we choose our words and actions wisely to avoid crating a reality we do not desire.

Words are very powerful so what we speak forms into the physical whether it is what we desire or not.

Our reality is created from the thoughts we focus on every day.

The law of attraction is constantly working and you can make it work for you if you choose to.

No one has to settle for a life they do not desire for anyone has the power to change their circumstance at any time with changing their mind.