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For centuries so many illusions have been created to be used as a for of mind control to benefit the demonic entities that have an end goal of global domination on every level.

These illusions have caused the largest amount of self-destruction around the world for anyone that falls for these illusions for they can never help you to be free or your greatest version, they can only keep you inside a controlled box.

There are many light workers in the universe that were placed here by the Divine Creator in certain locations throughout this planet called Earth with the sight to see through every single illusion created to help awaken the rest of the beings that have not yet gained their true vision.

These light workers such as myself are constantly working toward creating the divine world that was intended for The Divine Creators creation to live in instead of the demonic matrix world that was given to us to accept as reality.

So many people have been completely programmed to never question anything even that of which that can not be backed by any facts or evidence of being real.

Following illusions as your reality will always lead you further away from your personal power and your greatest version as well as keep you on a path of leading to self- destruction and limited opportunities.

So many times people will deny evidence that is right in their face due to the fact they have been so brainwashed to do so and the fact that they are not aware of how long these demonic bloodlines have been in control of all the illusions and evil agendas that are working against us every single day on so many levels.


One of the biggest illusions that is used against the masses of people around the world is religion no matter which created GOD you worship.

This illusion was created and pushed out to the people when it became apparent to the demonic bloodlines that created it how affective it would be on brainwashing society, so they could be easier to control.

Religion is not the true teachings of the Divine Creator and the Bible is not the word of the Divine Creator either and the demonic entities that created it know this very well that they are teaching you complete lies. 

Religion was created centuries ago however, it did not always exist and the civilizations were also much more advanced before religion come into the picture.

It is Religion that has always been and always will be the main source of division among the children of the Divine Creator.

With religion, you are taught that only one group of people are the real children of the creator while all the rest come from various types of creatures that roamed the planet on four legs.

The fact is there are demonic entities here that have come from other dimensions and that are spawn from hybrid beings that are not true spiritual beings.

These demonic hybrid beings can be found in the demonic bloodlines those of which are referred to as the royal elites which equals to 26 primary demonic bloodlines.

These hybrid beings can appear to be human from a distance however, there is no mistaking the truth if you were to be close enough to touch them.

 Hybrid beings can also appear as various skin tones to the naked eye that can only see at a face value level.

In religion, you are also taught that your power comes from a magical man that only exists in the sky.

The truth is the Divine Creator has always existed inside you not outside you or just in the sky for the Creator exists in everything and everywhere at all times.

The creator that exists inside you is what wakes you up every single day, what gives you your personal power and strength, what gives you all your gifts of senses and talents, what gives you your freedom of expression, divine birth rights, and free will, what gives you compassion and empathy, and everything else that makes you an infinite multi-dimensional spiritual being having a temporary human experience.

Heaven and hell are also nothing more than a state of mind that you will experience while you are alive and breathing, it is not a place you go when you leave this life for there is no such thing as death as energy never dies it only transfers which is why every time someone transitions from this life a new life is always born.

So many people are under this hypnotic spell of religion that they think all they have to do is pray to this created false God and take no other actions to get whatever their desired result is.

Now if you look around at the present condition of the world you must ask yourself if praying to all of these powerless created Gods is really getting you the better world that everyone would rather live in or is it just giving you more of the same destructive results that we have always got with so many people praying to these same entities.

Another true example of brainwashing is people that claim to have faith in any alleged almighty God however, they trust a cloth face muzzle to keep them safer from an alleged virus more than what they believe the alleged highest power almighty God is can, so you either need to question your faith or your religion to understand why and how you have this belief.

In a matter of months so many people have become so brainwashed that they are even riding in their vehicle alone wearing a face muzzle in fear of catching an alleged virus apparently from their own self.


Another created huge illusion is race, when it is a fact that the concept of there being various races based on skin tones, and it is used for the sole purpose to divine and concur the Divine Creators beautiful colorful creation.

It is also a fact that the original spiritual beings that were first to walk the planet were very deeply melanated people with darker skin complexions however, the more that these people moved further from the sun than the lighter the skin complexions became which is why there are a huge variety of skin tones now and how it was so easy for these demonic entities were able to pass off the illusion of race as being a real thing. 

Even til this very day two deeply melanated people can give birth to a very lightly melanated child and a very lightly melanated person can have a child with a deeper melanated person and the child can be born deeper melanated than the darkest melanated person or lighter than the lightest melanated person.

No matter the amount of melanin someone has we are all born with our own unique features and skin tones, and we are all connected as well as we all come from the same Divine Creator.


It is a fact that the voting system is an illusion and has always been an illusion since the very day it was created for people to believe in.

Elections were created to give you the illusion you had a choice to pick who you wanted to be in control of many things that have to do with your every day life.

The whole truth is that every single alleged president are seeds of the demonic bloodlines, and they are chosen to be a demonic puppet leader to help push the evil agendas of the higher level elite demons before they are even born meaning they are literally born, bred, and programmed for the job from the day they are born into the world.

No matter which alleged team you choose you will always get the same results for both team are the same demonic teams.

The Divine Creator created every spiritual being to be our own leader of our life not a follower of demons leading you to a slaughterhouse of self-destruction. 

When you choose yourself as your leader you are already choosing the highest power of which is inside you, and you will always win at life.

Never give your power to anything outside you which is always less powerful than you are.

There is nothing or no one no matter the title that can save you only you can save you.


Transgenderism is another huge destructive illusion that was created to be used as a tool for population control and self-destruction.

So many people have been brainwashed to believe that they can change their gender by just simply having surgery however, this is far from the truth it is only removing a major piece of your being or attempting to add something to your being, but it is not changing the gender the Divine Creator uniquely created you as. 

No human, demon, or other can ever be as powerful as the Divine Creator and recreate true science or change the method in which everything is uniquely perfectly created.

It is also a fact that no one is born in the wrong body or the wrong gender or even gay, no one is even born aware of these thoughts until they are taught it by being influenced by other people that have to been brainwashed to have this belief or by someone with an agenda that benefits them on a deeper level by you being brainwashed.

Another fact is that much of the food, water, and air supply have been filled with toxic chemical that alter our DNA to become weaker which also destroys the balance between the masculine and feminine genes.

We are at a very toxic point in society where these agendas are being forced on children even as young as the age of one-year-old teaching them they are in the wrong body and can be whatever gender they choose to and have 64 to choose from.

Forcing these ideas and beliefs on children or even adults creates major physiological damage to the mental health which leads to a long road of self-destruction and overall major health issues that will never benefit anyone short term or long term.

As far back as 60 years ago and beyond the transgender agenda was being put into action by these demonic bloodlines for their own benefits.

When you look around now you can see just how much this agenda is being pushed on so many levels to the point where a grown man can go inside the same bathroom as a small female child due to the fact he calls him self a woman but was born as a male.

It is to the point now if you can not see the problem with all these illusions as well as many more that is right in your face and all the destruction it is causing around the world, it is time you had a mental health and sight evaluation from the Divine Creator because the damage is so undeniable.