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Many people around the world have join the global spiritual awakening in 2020. The present time is of a very important time in all of our lives. Some people also may have questions of what the spiritual awakening is all about.

For the ones that already have their vision over stands that they are an infinite multi-dimensional spiritual being having a temporary human experience.
There are many light workers in the universe in many locations that are here working to help every spiritual being gain their knowledge of self.
The most important lesson of this human experience is
When you (Know Thy Self) it opens up a whole new world of opportunities.
Many people have only experienced the 3D world and may have blockages from moving to the 5D world.
In the 3D world everything is all about control and staying on a negative vibration. In the 5D world everything is about being free and a positive vibration.
The divine mind is everything and creates whichever world you choose to live in.
Some people are not aware of the power they have within them and their very own mind. In this 3D world we were taught that our power is outside us, and we have no control over our own life, so we need authority.

In the 5D world you know you have always been the power and the divine creator of your own reality. We are inside the universe as well as the universe is inside us. We are who we are waiting for.
The spiritual blockages that some may have is removing the chains of limitations that has been placed on the mind without you being aware it was happening.
In the 3D world there are many negative forces that are constantly working against you to make you lose the sense of self as well to trick you into willingly giving up your divine power.
To remove spiritual blockages you must first go within your divine self. Once you begin to go within yourself and explore the source of your very being everything becomes clearer to your vision that is much more powerful than your sight.
Your vision is to see the universe inside you and your sight is to see the universe you are inside.
When you are living in the 3D world it is easy to be misled by distractions that are not for your benefit rather for the benefit of the negative energy forces working against you.
When you advance to the 5th dimension your vision will show you that no system or entity has ever had control over you for you have always been controlled by your very own mind and your limited beliefs.
 Living in the 3rd dimension you will find that it is a controlled illusion world that was designed for confusion of the mind and self.
The Divine Creator lives inside each one of us which also means we are to Divine Creators within our very being. The Divine Source can only live inside you never outside you.
Knowledge is Source, knowing, being free, health, happiness, harmony, wealth, power, abundance, love, compassion, empathy, connection, sharing, energy, Divine.
When you seek truth you will be led to truth when you seek lies you will be led to lies. When you are led by confusion you will always get more confusion.
What does your gift mean to you of a powerful divine mind that has never been taken out of the box and explored to see how powerful and cool it actually is?
So many times we train our mind to not be able to see past the physical, so we never see the true divine universe at work. The divine universe is always responding to us rather than things happening to us.
Many times things happen that can appear to be a mystery until you go beyond the physical that is limited in answers.

As we have started our journey in 2020 some may feel as it has been a negative start with so many things happening on a low vibration. Many people are not aware of the transition that is taking place in these present times we are living in.
This is not the end of the world rather it is the end of the old age and the beginning of the new age. The new age we are moving into is the age of Aquarius, and we are leaving the age of Pisces.

The age of Pisces was all about control, power, disease, and greed.
The age of Aquarius is all about love, the connection to the divine, health, peace, abundance, being a free being, and limitless opportunities.
Your transition from Pisces to Aquarius consist of realizing no one has control of you outside you whether it is a corporation, person, or an entity.

While many of the light workers have already transitioned into the Aquarius age some light workers have remained in the Pisces age to help the remaining spiritual beings transition in this time of the global awakening.

In the ongoing global awakening that is happening now you will begin to see more and more things that have been hidden in the dark come to light.
You will see systems that have been designed for controlling and deceiving humanity start to crumble as people take their power back that they were unknowingly tricked to give away.

People will begin to come together as a whole as they realize they are connected on a deeper spiritual vibration.
People will begin to see a system that was designed to divide us by different complexions in our skin tones start to crumble as it has no value.

Many people will realize the importance of life rather than the importance of material items.
You will see people begin to make better choices for food as they understand the importance of health.

Spiritual beings will begin to come together to build whole loving communities that work in unity to build a world that is abundant for every life on the planet.
You will see the animals become our friends from nature rather than our food.

People will begin to refuse man’s poison and only accept Mother Natures medicine.
This global awakening is a very positive vibration for every spiritual being to be a part of however it is your free will to participate or not.

At this time it is well known that changes are happening around the world on many levels it is your choice if you want to be a part of the positive changes or adapt to the negative ones.
You are the power you are the one you are waiting for.