Sun foods are also known as Mother Natures food. These foods all grow from the sun and naturally.
Sun foods are the only foods that can also be used as medicine. The term “Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food” is a true statement.
Every thing that we need for our complete health, it all comes only from Mother Nature.
Eating sun foods raw and uncooked has the most benefits. When we cook our food, after the food gets to a certain temperature it starts to lose its nutrients.
Juicing fresh as well as ripe fruits and vegetables is also an amazing way of getting a ton of benefits.
When getting the most benefits out of sun foods it is also best to use the least amount of processing.
Sun foods were designed to be eaten straight from the ground, tree, or plant. Sun foods were created perfectly for the human body to get the most amount of benefits from them.
It is true sun foods have been used for many years to heal the body from many types of ailments.
With juicing you are getting the most benefits with the purest form of nutrients going directly into the blood stream for a much faster boost to the immune system.
Many people have been able to heal their body from Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Blood Disorders, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Heart Disease, and many more by juicing with sun foods.
What we consume in our bodies will determine what our health will be good or bad. If you put life in your body you will have a long healthy life and if you put toxic things in your body you will have a shorter life.
The human body was designed to be healthy and full of life so when we put things in our body that is not meant for us our body reacts by causing many health issues.
No one has to deal with the same illnesses as their parents may have dealt with no matter the genetics.
Each person is in control of how their health turns out with the use of their very own mind and by what they are eating.

It is a fact that true protein, vitamins, nutrients, and everything that keeps the human body fueled properly only comes from Mother Nature.
Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, herbs, and spices are all sources that our bodies need to live a long healthy life.
Many people do not realize how much that what we put in our body helps to create our reality.
If we are putting toxic processed foods that are full of chemicals in our body, it directly affects how our mind and body functions.
When the body is very acidic, it can wreak havoc on the body on a very negative level.
The human body is amazing for its ability to heal itself from any illness however, the body can also get overloaded with poison if no changes are made soon enough.
When we are consuming unnatural food, it starts to weaken the mind and body over time and depending on how toxic the food is, you may see the direct effects sooner rather than later.
When our brain is not functioning properly, it can affect the choices we make as well as make choices we normally would not with a healthy mind.
It is a fact that the Law Of Attraction is constantly working, with a healthy brain it is easier to manifest the reality you desire instead of attracting what you do not desire.
Sun foods have the most benefits when eating them every day. One thing you will notice when eating natural food, you will start craving less of the unnatural foods.
I have personally noticed that since I have been eating healthy natural foods I can no longer tolerate unhealthy foods.
After eating raw organic food, you can immediately taste all the artificial ingredients that are in other toxic foods.
What is important, is how you feel after you eat any type of food. A lot of times when eating toxic processed foods, you will notice you do not feel that great as well as tired, low energy, and sleepy afterwards.
When eating sun foods, they will boost your energy, improve your health, skin, mood, and immune system.

Sun foods contains water which helps flush toxins out of the body that cause many health issues.
Every person has the power to completely improve all levels of their health using nature’s medicine.
When the body is healthy it is harder for diseases and illnesses to exist in the body.
When improving the health it is important that you are consistent with eating all natural foods.
Even when eating sun foods, if you are still consuming toxic foods you will not see as many benefits as you would if you were only eating natural foods.
When you are dealing with a serious illness, it is best to remove all toxic foods from your diet to be able to see an improvement.
It is important to understand that all illnesses start with the mind and also toxic foods that are full of chemicals that were never meant to be consumed by humans.
There are no animal products that have benefits for the human body, in fact they are linked to many types of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer, heart disease, heart attack, brain damage, nerve damage, liver damage, and many other serious conditions that can be life threatening.
Many products at the grocery stores only exist for profit not for benefits to our health.
It is also important to understand that labels on many foods are not to be trusted for their ingredients.
The amazing thing about sun foods is that they only have one ingredient, the product itself.
When you understand who all profits from people eating toxic foods, then it is easier to know why these toxic foods exist that causes major damage to the human organs.
Also, when eating toxic foods the people that profit is, doctors, the pharmaceutical industry, and the elite societies.
Many people only get paid when humanity is sick with a variety of illnesses. It is a fact that all vaccines and pharmaceutical pills have long term negative effects on the body.
There is no cure for any disease that comes from vaccines or pills, the only cure comes from your mind and mother nature’s medicine we use as food.
When you are growing your own food with trees, plants, and gardens, then you are growing the cure for any illness.
Growing your own food is important for complete health so you know what is in your food and what was used to grow it.
When growing your own food, you want to only use natural ingredients to grow with, so no toxins are getting in the organic food while it is growing.
Even if you are buying your fresh produce from other gardeners, you want to make sure you know what they are also using to grow for there are many toxic pesticides that are used that can cause major harm to your organs.
You want to get the most benefits as possible from the foods that you consume rather than more health issues.
It is not as hard as some may think for improving your health, you just need focus and dedication.

Mother Nature’s seeds and nuts are very beneficial to the human body.
There are many types of seeds and nuts that are high in protein as well as they have many of the nutrients that our body needs.
Seeds and nuts can also give you a ton of energy where you are not feeling weighed down.
Hemp seeds, squash seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, and chia seeds are all beneficial for your health.
Peanuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pecans, and macadamia nuts all have amazing benefits for our complete health.
Adding all these amazing seeds and nuts to your diet will help to improve many levels of your health.
All of these seeds and nuts are not only beneficial they also taste delicious as well as you can add them to smoothies for an extra boost of energy.
The healthiest milk to drink comes from nuts such as cashews and almonds. Another healthy milk is made from coconuts.
Animals milk has no benefits for the human body in fact, animals milk can cause many health issues and even obesity.
All of these amazing seeds and nuts come from nature so you know you are getting the most benefits from all of them.
Seeds and nuts can also be used for many delicious recipes that are amazing for your health.
Nuts such as cashews can be used to make cheese with instead of using the processed kind that is harmful to our body.
Snacking on seeds and nuts can also help you to maintain a healthy weight for they help you to feel full.
There is a long list of benefits when you are choosing the healthiest foods to put in your body.
Watermelon seeds are also beneficial for your health when you are eating instead of spitting them out.
All the seeds that come from our fruits and vegetables are important for they can be saved for growing your own food.
Lemons can have up to 20 seeds in just one lemon that can be replanted to grow 20 trees that produces unlimited amounts of lemons.
Grape seeds can also be eaten and planted for an unlimited supply of delicious grapes.
Starting today start saving all of your seeds from the fruit and vegetables you eat so you can eat organic for a lifetime without GMO’S and other chemicals that are used to grow food that will become toxic as it grows.
When you are growing your own fruits, vegetables, and plant it is important to grow them naturally without any chemicals or pesticides that are very toxic to the land and our health.
You can grow everything you need even your seeds and nuts with trees and plants.