Project mind mastery is all about learning the skills you need to use your mind to design every aspect of your life the way you desire it to be.
One may think that schools are the only place to gain knowledge however, these skills are not taught at any schools for a reason.
When you are aware of how powerful your mind is it is impossible for you to be controlled by anything or anyone.
A lot of ancient knowledge is not taught in fact, it is mostly hidden from the majority so that they remain powerless.
When you seek knowledge now your future self will thank you for it.
When someone knows better they do better for you can only know better when you expand your mind.
The universe allows you to feel when something is off even though many times that feeling is pushed aside for it may not feel significant.
When you have a strong desire to know truth that will lead you on a journey of seeking more and more knowledge to become your greatest version.
What is referred to as The Rabbit Hole does go very deep for there are unlimited amounts of information to know about the Divine Universe.
There are many levels to the Divine Mind to go through before reaching the highest one.

Project Mind Mastery teaches you how to think for your self to better analyze any situation.
There is a ton of information in the universe of how to become a better version of yourself however, it can only help you if you choose to take action and apply it to your own life.
Sometimes we get stuck in routines because we are comfortable however, most great things come after one has moved out of their comfort zone.
Many times things are completely different from that of which someone views with the naked eye.
Many people are not aware that there is a difference between having vision and having sight.
Having vision is the spiritual force you have within you to see truth in everything sight is for viewing the physical material world.
Someone that is blind without sight even still has the gift of vision for what you see when you close your eyes also plays a role in creating your full reality.
Imagination is one of the most powerful tools used to manifest what you desire it is not just a fairy tale.
To get to the highest truth of thy self one has to travel deep within their own mind.

Darkness is not meant to be feared for you can only get to the light from traveling through darkness that consist of the lessons needed to gain the skills to reach the light.
When we are in a state of darkness this is where we become the most creative.
Many people that are successful have come from a place of darkness that give them their strength to make it to the light while still appreciating the darkness.
Anyone has the freedom to choose how they want to perceive any situation.
If no one ever had a bad day then they would not know how to appreciate the amazing days.
When you feel blessed just to wake up every day then you know every thing else is a bonus.
Everything you do with your time every day matters for creating your reality, whatever you focus on you get more of good or bad.
Mastering your own mind will help you to advance in all areas of your life.
When anyone puts effort in to knowing better to do better than they will see better things happen in their life.
Where a lot of people have the most hangups is being able to trust the universe to work in their favor for it can be hard sometimes to have faith in what you can not physically see yet.
There is a saying “I will believe it when I see it” however this statement is backwards the correct statement is “I will see it when I know it”.
Many things in the old world has been switched around for the benefit of the dark forces to further confuse humanity.
When we have a better understanding of true ancient knowledge that has not been falsified there is no limit to our personal power.

Project Mind Mastery is also about teaching you how to believe in yourself even when you know or feel that someone else does not whether it is family, friends, or just people you have met.
The opinions that others may have about you has nothing to do with you.
Caring about what others think about you only holds you back from being your best version.
No one can make every one happy for happiness comes from within. When you base your happiness on someone else you can never be completely happy.
It is easy for anyone to have doubts when they are not seeing immediate results.
If life had an instruction manual we would never learn the lessons we need to learn on a deeper spiritual level.
In life your mental strength is much more powerful than your physical strength.
The mind is the driving force behind the mental strength for without the mind the body can not function properly.

Depending on our mind state we can suffer from a lot of health issues, or we can also be our healthiest version. It is not just what we eat that determines our physical health it is our mind as well.
Anyone that is dealing with a health issue has the power to reverse it if their energy is strong toward healing their body with their own mind.
A lot of people are only using one side of the brain however, when you master your mind you will have full brain power to do amazing things with healing being one of them.
When you think about the placebo effect, you know it was the mind that was powerful not the pill.
If we can put faith in a pill to heal our body then we know it is possible to put that same faith in our self to heal our body without the pill.
Everything we need in this universe on the journey of life is only found within our self.
When we are grateful every day in advance for our life, health, mind, body, abundance, free will, and much more, then we are also manifesting these things to our reality.
Every day can feel like heaven on earth by releasing all the negative energy that is not serving us in a healthy way.
When we let our self get stuck in a state of mind that is linked to a negative situation that is from either our past or present times, we can not move forward from the attachment to the emotion we feel from the event.
Sometimes it can be challenging letting go of any emotion depending on how it deeply affected our lives.
When we allow any negative situation or circumstance to control our life then we can never advance to a higher level for all of our energy is going to a negative vibration, and then we attract more negative situations.
Laughing is amazingly healthy for the body as it promotes natural healing.
Going out in nature surrounded by the trees and animals will give you a major boost of oxygen which also improves your health.
Walking outside on the grass without socks or shoes on helps you to feel more connected to the universe.
The more connected we are to the universe, the more we will start getting downloads from the universe that helps us on our journey of life.

Gratitude is very powerful in the universe and also works to manifest whatever you desire much faster. When you are already thankful for what you do have and do not have, the things you would like to see in your reality then whatever it is will already be on its way to you.
The universe is always working in divine order nothing is immediate which means when you desire things to happen the universe make a way for it to.
It is a process when you are manifesting for your mind state has to align with what it is that you desire.
The universe responds to you by what you put the most focus on. If you are putting your focus on what you do not want that is what you are attracting to you.
When you focus on where you are headed instead of where you been and where you are now then you will reach the destination you desire.
Many times we get stuck in the loop of doubting our self which also can block our manifestation.
It is normal for anyone to doubt their self now and then, the important part is to not stay in the doubt state of mind.
It can also be hard to get motivated however, nature is a great place to start.
Send gratitude out in the universe every day and you will see how much your life will change in a short amount of time.
A lot of the time we are not sure what it is we need and that is okay for we can ask the universe to guide us in the right direction.
When we see things from a different perception then it can make things easier understood.
We all have our own perception of the world and it is our reaction to it that is important.
Many people face the life head on while others run from it due to their lack of understanding who they are.
Every single person at some point in their life will face a series of challenges that is individually based on the person.
Every person has his or her own life path to follow that is the beauty of our uniqueness.
No one is exactly like anyone else however, we all have more similarities than differences.
What you hope for someone else is what you are hoping for yourself. When you uplift other people in return you are uplifting yourself.
Anyone that tries to destroy Mother Nature is only destroying their self.
There are Laws Of The Universe that is not written by humans that is everyone’s guide to follow in the human experience. The universal laws can never be destroyed or rewrote for they are built inside each one of us.
When these divine laws are broken by someone then they will start to see chaos.
For many years now the vibration of humanity has been out of balance with Mother Nature which is why we are seeing all the worldly changes happening more than ever before.
Until we are back in rhythm with the universe we will continue to see chaos and destruction.
We have all the knowledge we need to make the choices we need to for moving to higher spiritual levels rapidly.
Living in the mind state of lack and scarcity only brings more of the same emotions of it.
Be grateful in advance for what you desire and act as if you already have what you want.
Every day we wake up there is something to be thankful for no matter what the circumstance is.