Purina Beyond Simple Ingredient, Natural Dry Dog Food, Simply Farm Raised Chicken...

Amazon.com Price: $99.99 (as of 20/12/2023 19:01 PST- Details)

One (1) 24 lb. Bag – Purina Beyond Simple Ingredient, Natural Dry Dog Food, Simply Farm Raised Chicken & Whole Barley Recipe
High protein dry dog food with real farm-raised chicken raised without steroids* as the number 1 ingredient and natural probiotics for digestive health
Nutrient-rich, simple ingredient dog food formula with no corn, wheat, soy, poultry by-product meal or artificial colors, flavors or preservatives



Add variety, flavor and protein to each and every meal with Purina Beyond Simply Farm-Raised Chicken and Whole Barley Recipe natural adult dry dog food with added vitamins and minerals. This high-quality dog food formula comprises ingredients from our trusted sources, selected to assist fortify his healthy life by your side. Our high protein dog food nourishes your dog as nature intended, starting with real farm-raised chicken raised without steroids* as the number 1 ingredient and whole barley and accents of sunflower oil and omega-6 fatty acids to nourish his skin and coat. Plus, this wholesome dog food recipe comprises natural probiotics for dogs to fortify digestive health and provides your adult dog with the 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition he needs. With real ingredients you already know and accept as true with, Beyond simple ingredient dry dog food offers all of the nourishment your dog needs to live his best life. *Federal regulations prohibit using steroids in chicken.

One (1) 24 lb. Bag – Purina Beyond Simple Ingredient, Natural Dry Dog Food, Simply Farm Raised Chicken & Whole Barley Recipe
High protein dry dog food with real farm-raised chicken raised without steroids* as the number 1 ingredient and natural probiotics for digestive health
Nutrient-wealthy, simple ingredient dog food formula with no corn, wheat, soy, poultry by-product meal or artificial colors, flavors or preservatives
Make it Your Way. Add extra variety, flavor and protein with Purina Beyond wet dog foods and Mixers+ toppers
Good for your pet, Good for the planet. Premium dog food crafted in U.S. facilities where we take positive steps like bettering water use efficiency and reducing waste

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