Merrick Lil’ Plates Premium Grain Free Dry Dog Food For Small Dogs, Real Chicken... Price: $66.98 (as of 20/12/2023 19:12 PST- Details)

One (1) 20 lb Bag – Merrick Lil’ Plates Small Breed Dog Food, Grain Free Real Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe, Small Dog Food
Merrick Lil’ Plates Small Breed Dog Food, Grain Free Real Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe, Small Dog Food
Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient in this small breed dry dog food, which offers the ideal combination of protein and healthy fats to help a dog maintain optimal weight and increased energy



Merrick Lil’ Plates Grain Free Real Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe Dry Dog Food is crafted specifically for small breed dogs. With real deboned chicken as the first ingredient, this small breed pet food dry recipe helps to build and care for healthy muscle tissue and energy levels. This grain free dry pet food for small dogs is crafted without grain or gluten ingredients, and each and every serving includes probiotics and prebiotic fiber for healthy digestion. Leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin make a grain free pet food that helps to care for healthy hips and joints. This chicken pet food with sweet potatoes offers complete and balanced nutrition with omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that assist care for a healthy coat and skin. With a perfectly crunchy texture and small pet food kibble size, this healthy pet food helps to scale back plaque and keep your dog’s teeth clean. Merrick pet food recipes are crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the united states.

One (1) 20 lb Bag – Merrick Lil’ Plates Small Breed Dog Food, Grain Free Real Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe, Small Dog Food
Merrick Lil’ Plates Small Breed Dog Food, Grain Free Real Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe, Small Dog Food
Real deboned chicken is at all times the first ingredient on this small breed dry pet food, which offers the precise combination of protein and healthy fats to assist a dog care for optimal weight and increased energy
Natural pet food grain free recipe crafted with probiotics and prebiotic fiber for healthy digestion
Merrick pet food small breed recipe made with leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin to aid in maintaining healthy hips and joints even as omega 3 fatty acids to assist care for a healthy coat and skin

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