IAMS Adult Healthy Weight Control Dry Dog Food with Real Chicken, 29.1 lb. Bag

Amazon.com Price: $46.98 (as of 20/12/2023 19:09 PST- Details)

Healthy Weight Dry Dog Food: If your dog has weight issues, this dry dog food with real chicken and 17 percent less fat than our Minichunks recipe can give them the support they need to help them maintain a healthy weight
Veterinarians Recommend IAMS: Features a wholesome blend of fibers and natural prebiotics for healthy digestion and L-carnitine to help support a healthy metabolism, plus premium-quality protein from chicken and egg to help promote strong muscles
Complete and Balanced Nutrition for Adult Dogs: IAMS Dog Food is made with high quality animal protein and no artificial preservatives, flavors or fillers, for complete and balanced nutrition



Your dog is unique… that’s why IAMS makes dog food that’s just as unique as they’re. If they’re struggling with weight issues or weight gain, IAMS Adult Healthy Weight Dry Dog Food with Real Chicken can give them the beef up they want to lend a hand them care for a healthy weight. This adult dog food is made with delicious real farm-raised chicken, and it provides 17% less fat than IAMS Minichunks recipe to lend a hand with healthy weight management and keep watch over. The tasty dog kibble delivers a wholesome blend of fibers and natural prebiotics for healthy digestion and L-carnitine to lend a hand beef up a healthy metabolism… Plus, it has premium-quality protein to lend a hand promote strong muscles. When you feed your dog IAMS dry food, you’re nurturing their unique best for a happy, healthy life.

Healthy Weight Dry Dog Food: If your dog has weight issues, this dry dog food with real chicken and 17 percent less fat than our Minichunks recipe can give them the beef up they want to lend a hand them care for a healthy weight
Veterinarians Recommend IAMS: Features a wholesome blend of fibers and natural prebiotics for healthy digestion and L-carnitine to lend a hand beef up a healthy metabolism, plus premium-quality protein from chicken and egg to lend a hand promote strong muscles
Complete and Balanced Nutrition for Adult Dogs: IAMS Dog Food is made with top of the range animal protein and no artificial preservatives, flavors or fillers, for complete and balanced nutrition
Tailored to Your Dog: We carry a full line of foods for your dog’s age, size and dietary needs from puppy to adult to mature, small breeds to large, and with recipes to beef up healthy weight and digestion
IAMS Super Premium Dog Food: Select the nutrition that brings out your dog’s best, tailored for their unique needs; Our high-quality, premium recipes are made in the united states with the finest ingredients from all over the world

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