Hill’s Science Diet Dry Dog Food, Adult, Small & Mini Breeds, Sensitive...

Amazon.com Price: $59.99 (as of 20/12/2023 19:09 PST- Details)

This dry dog food uses prebiotic fiber to feed your small dog’s microbiome for optimal digestive health
Vitamin E, omega 6 fatty acids and other nutrients in smaller kibble help nourish skin and promote a lustrous coat
Dog food formulated with little dogs in mind to provide an optimal balance of nutrients specifically for miniature and toy breed dogs



Small Pet food, Big benefits. Hill’s Science Diet sensitive stomach & skin small & Mini adult dry Pet food is a Pet food for small & toy breed dogs that provides optimal digestive health at the same time as nourishing their skin. This sensitive stomach Pet food has protein as the first ingredient and provides clinically proven antioxidant benefits for small and miniature breeds. This dry Pet food made with natural ingredients is formulated with decades of cutting edge research to be a super tasting Pet food small dogs can actually enjoy. There’s more to love with the new look of science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas. DHA from fish oil for healthy brain & eye development.
Weight of Dog – lbs. (kg)
Amount per Day – (cups/grams) 2 (0,9)
1/4 (25) 5 (2,3)
1/2 (55) 8 (3,6)
3/4 (80) 10 (4,5)
7/8 (90) 15 (6,8)
1 1/4 (130) 20 (9,1)
1 1/2 (160) 25 (11,3)
1 3/4 (185) 30 (14)
2 (210).

This dry Pet food uses prebiotic fiber to feed your small dog’s microbiome for optimal digestive health
Vitamin E, omega 6 fatty acids and other nutrients in smaller kibble assist nourish skin and promote a lustrous coat
Pet food formulated with little dogs in mind to supply an optimal balance of nutrients specifically for miniature and toy breed dogs
Precise balance and highly digestible ingredients for sensitive stomachs and for dogs with sensitive skin
Made with natural ingredients
Made in the united states with global ingredients you’ll be able to accept as true with
Veterinarian really helpful

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