Hill’s Science Diet Dry Dog Food, Adult, Small Bites, Chicken & Barley...

Amazon.com Price: $49.99 (as of 20/12/2023 19:09 PST- Details)

A dry dog food with easy to digest ingredients to fuel the energy needs of adult canines, with a little kibble
This dry food for small breed dogs provides omega 6s & vitamin E for healthy skin & coat
Provides your adult little dog with high quality protein for maintaining lean muscle. Caloric content: 3654 kcal/kg (363 kcal/cup)



Little dogs can have a large appetite, so treat your small-breed dog to Hill’s Science Diet small Bites Adult dry dog food. Packed with Omega-6s & Vitamin E to give your canine A beautiful skin & coat, This premium adult dog food also provides high-quality protein to lend a hand your full grown dog deal with lean muscle. The small kibble is perfect for small and toy breeds, and since adult dogs need a strong gut, natural fibers lend a hand promote healthy digestion. This adult dog food made with natural ingredients is specially formulated with decades of state-of-the-art research to be a super-tasting meal your adult dog can in reality enjoy. There’s more to love with the new look of science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas.

A dry dog food with easy to digest ingredients to fuel the energy needs of adult canines, with a little kibble
This dry food for small breed dogs provides omega 6s & vitamin E for healthy skin & coat
Provides your adult little dog with top of the range protein for maintaining lean muscle. Caloric content: 3654 kcal/kg (363 kcal/cup)
Promotes healthy digestion for your adult dog with natural fibers
Made with natural ingredients
Made in the united states with global ingredients you’ll consider

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