Hill’s Science Diet Dry Dog Food, Adult, Perfect Weight for Healthy Weight...

Amazon.com Price: $139.55 (as of 20/12/2023 19:10 PST- Details)

Breakthrough adult dry dog food clinically proven for weight management
Over 70 % of adult dogs lost weight within 10 weeks when fed this safe & effective weight management dog food
Help your grown dog maintain a healthy weight with this dog food



Putting your grown dog on a calorie restricted diet can also be difficult for you and your canine companion. That’s why Hill’s Science Diet Perfect Weight Adult Dog Food provides delicious, breakthrough weight management nutrition that your full grown dog can enjoy. With protein for lean muscle maintenance, and clinically proven results in just 10 weeks, this weight keep an eye on dog food made with natural ingredients is the perfect addition to your adult dog’s bowl. This healthy weight dog food is formulated with decades of state-of-the-art research to be a great-tasting meal your grown dog can in reality enjoy. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas. Not advisable for puppies and pregnant or nursing dogs.

Breakthrough adult dry dog food clinically proven for weight management
Over 70 % of adult dogs lost weight within 10 weeks when fed this protected & effective weight management dog food
Help your grown dog handle a healthy weight with this dog food
This adult dog food supports muscle maintenance
Made in the us with global ingredients you’ll be able to accept as true with
Veterinarian advisable

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