Greenlike Dried Kaempferia Galanga Sand Ginger Sliced 16oz 沙姜片 Price: $24.99 (as of 29/06/2024 01:29 PST- Details)



Galanga is a small, stemless perennial herb growing as much as 45cm tall from a rhizomatous rootstock. The thick, rounded leaves on a regular basis lay flat in a rosette at the ground. Gathered from the wild for native use as a food and medication, the plant could also be once in a while cultivated as a spice within the tropics, especially in India, Malaya and China. Galanga is a sour, stimulant herb with a camphoraceous aroma. It’s antibacterial, improves the digestion and has diuretic effects[ Suggested Use: They can be eaten raw, steamed, in curries or cooked with chilli paste and used as a side dish with rice The rhizomes can also be used as a condiment and, when dried, have been used as a substitute for turmeric in curry powder 产品描述介绍: 沙姜为一年生草本植物,其性耐旱耐瘠怕浸,含碳质多,松软疏水,宜于沙姜生长。 多为圆形或近圆形的横切片,直径1~2cm,厚0.3~0.5cm。外皮浅褐色或黄褐色,皱缩,有的有根痕或残存须根;切面类白色,粉性,常鼓凸。质脆,易折断。气香特异。功能主治行气温中,消食,止痛。用于胸膈胀满,脘腹冷痛,饮食不消。 功效特点: 温中化湿 行气止痛 急性肠胃炎 消化不良 腹痛泄泻 胃寒疼痛 牙痛 风湿性关节炎 跌打损伤

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