Holistic health is all about healing the body naturally as well as preventing all health conditions for you are treating the whole body and each person individually as people are on different levels on the journey of life.

There are different levels of spirituality that each person passes through to reach their higher self.

Each person has his or her own lessons to learn in their human experience. No one has the exact same path on the journey of life we just have similar experiences and each reaction is different.

When I speak of Holistic Health it is much more than just the physical health, it is also the mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The mind, body, soul, and spirit make up the complete health system.

Studies have been conducted that proves the mind can create diseases in our body as well as the mind can heal the body.

Every thing that is needed to heal the body exist in the body and in nature.

The universe is inside you which means everything exists within.

It is true we can use many herbs to treat the body for ailments however, it is possible to heal the body with just the mind.

What you focus on grows so this means if you focus on sickness you will get more sickness or if you focus on being healthy you will be healthy.

Holistic Health also consist of eating to live. What we put inside our body plays a major role in our health and also has a positive or negative effect on our mental health.

When you are eating to live then your brain functions properly to think more efficiently.

The less toxic your body is the healthier you will be and the faster you can improve your health.


Meditation is important for our health and well-being. Meditation helps to clear the mind of negative thoughts and energy. We have over 60,000 thoughts every day and depending on our environment and state of mind will determine if most of them are positive or negative.

Meditation has been used in many cases to heal the body by using the mind and setting the intention to heal.

When you set an intention then put focus on it as well as action it is easier to hit your target.

When you understand how to control your thoughts and emotions you will always get the outcome you desire.

Meditation is not just for health for it is also for creating the reality you want to experience. You can have whatever life you choose to by creating it with your own mind.

The reality you was born in does not have to be the reality you choose to accept for your own personal life for you have the power to change your circumstance at any time.

Whether it is improving your health or creating a life of abundance you hold the power within you to do so.



Mother Natures medicinal plants have cured many illnesses for centuries. For every disease that exist in the world Mother Nature already has the cure for it.

So many times we will look over the simple medicine that turns out to be the most powerful and effective.

Plants that come from nature have many uses they are not just used for healing, they are also great for making delicious healthy recipes.

Herbs and spices work to prevent many things that happen naturally in life such as early aging, dull skin, and loss of collagen.

Plants are not just plants for they are living and how you nourish the plant while it is growing will determine how healthy and potent what it produces is.

When you are planting a seed and you show the seed love energy while it is becoming a plant you are guaranteed to get a healthy powerful plant.

If you are planting a seed and you show it hate energy you will not be able to get a healthy harvest.

It is important to know that plants also hold memory as well as water. 

Water can be used to heal the body by setting an intention and transferring that intention to the water you are drinking or using to water the plants. 

Everything works in divine order constantly which also means energy is always being transferred.

Mother Nature has the power to add years to your life when you trust her power.



Many times in the chakra system one, a few, or all the chakras can be blocked from getting the right amount of energy flowing through them which can also cause a negative effect in our life.

There are many reasons why a chakra can be blocked as well as the chakra system can also be out of balance.

Our actions, what we eat, think, watch, listen to, and focus on will have an effect on our chakra system whether positive or negative for that is our choice.

When the chakra system is out of balance this means that one chakra can have a flow of more energy than what is needed while another chakra does not have enough energy flow.

There are seven energy centers that make up this system which are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.


When the chakra system is working properly how it was intended to then everything in your life flows perfectly.

Common causes of disruptions in our chakra system is holding on to fear or holding on to memories and situations that are not serving us positively.

We do have the power to remove negative blockages as well as to balance out all seven chakras.

Every thing that you need to make a positive change in your life is already within you all you have to do is know it and claim it now.


How we create a positive balance in our life is by letting go of the emotions that are connected to experiences that happened in the past and now it is no longer serving us.

Having balance is also about eating healthy, exercising, getting enough rest, lowering stress levels, and just making sure our bodies are getting the best care that it needs to remain functioning properly.

Holistic health covers a wide variety of the levels that leads to complete health such as mind, body, soul, and spirit.

With natural healing it is all about using only the true medicines that come from the Divine Creator, such as our mind, food that grows in the ground with help from the sun, meditation, and going into nature.

The power from using holistic health to heal out weighs any form of treatment that you may receive from the medical industry.

For the majority of the time natural healing is not even promoted mainstream due it not being profitable to the medical industry that only promote toxic vaccines and pills with deadly side effects.

When using natural medicine there are only positive side effects to experience and year added to your life.

The truth is all the amazing natural products we need are already here however, someone has to want to be healthy and live instead of just breathe to experience the benefits from natural medicine.

It is not hard to live a healthy lifestyle when someone is committed to their health and making the best choices.

Though tomorrow is not promised to anyone, it is better to be prepared to create our day if it does come rather than to just move blindly through life.

When we are feeling healthy on all levels of life then it is easier for us to create our day every single day.

We are always manifesting our reality whether we are aware of it or not and when we know how to control our thoughts we can knowingly create what we desire.

What also keeps us healthy is using our talents to do what we love to do while still inspiring other people.

When we are working at a job that causes us excessive amounts of stress that can also be very unhealthy for our mental, emotional, and physical health.

It is understandable to feel as if we need any job to pay our bills and take care of the finances however, our health is more important than any bill.

When doing what you love to do that is also helping other people your talent pays for itself and will allow you to live in abundance.

This world is full of unlimited opportunities to become our greatest version which is the person we were meant to be when chosen to come here.

With all the opportunities that exists now for someone to create their own job no one has to settle for any job that is not serving them or the universe positively.

Even if a job is helping us to take care of all our financial responsibilities, if it is not benefiting our health then we will pay more in the long run that cost more than all our other bills put together for our health bill can not be paid with money only our life.

No one knows what is best for us better than we know our self as for each of us is on our own divine journey.

The more you move into the mindset of knowing who you are, what you come here to do, and using your talents to help others, this is when your life will start to have balance while every thing else begins falling into place.

It is common for people to start their journey of life on a completely different path than the one we desire to be on for it is through the experiences we have that guide us closer to where we want to be.

Sometimes we are not aware of what we want to do with our life or what our calling is until we have done many types of jobs, and we gain skills of our interests.

It is also possible for someone to be called away from what they thought they were supposed to be doing for the rest of their life to go on a bigger mission such as someone that had to go through something tragic and being sent to use their story to inspire others to not give up.

Never forget your life has purpose and you were chosen to be here for your own divine unique mission.

No one in this world can be someone else which also means no one can be you only you can so leave your authentic prints in the universe that no one else has the power to do.

Complete balance starts with the choices we make that always affects our life in one way or another.

Smart choices lead to positive outcomes as well as the reality we desire to see personally.

Nothing changes in the world until we do as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.