The future of technology has actually existed since ancient times when some of the most highly conscious and advanced civilizations were walking and flying around the universe.
Many people are under the impression that all the alleged new technology that is introduced to the public every year was developed in the present times.
When new technology is released to the public for purchase it is already over a century old.
Much of the technology that has been introduced in the public in the last 30 years can seem as though it may have come from a sci-fi movie due to all its features.
Even with all the technology that exists today there are many things that can not be replicated such as the amazing pyramids that were built in ancient times.
Technology can be powerful however, our divine mind is more powerful than any machine ever will be.
When the divine pyramids were built it was from a group of entities with an expanded consciousness that directly connected them to the highest energy source.
Much of the technology that has been created by certain entities is for the sole purpose of merging human and machine together into one body.
The majority of humanity are not even aware of the level in which technology tricks are used to deceive people with Hollywood movies, films, television programming, global and local news stations, media, and other sources for which someone receives their information or entertainment from.
The A.I. “Artificial Intelligence” systems have the ability to alter someone’s perception on anything that they are viewing or listening to.
With A.I. technology what someone sees through a screen such as a television, computer, tablet, game system or phone can appear completely opposite than what it actually is in reality whether it is a person or object.
Editing software has been used for many years to alter videos, audio, and images to achieve a desired effect.
Using video and image effects now it is possible to change people’s unique features all the way to their actual true gender identity.
The level of Artificial Intelligence that we are on in the present times is seeing a hologram disguised as humans or objects, cloned entities portrayed as humans, men disguised as women, and women portrayed as men.
With this level of technology many things can be switched around to appear to the naked eye to be the way that whoever with an agenda wants it to appear.
As with many things in our life there are levels of technology that can be used for the greater good of humanity or negative things that do not serve humanity positively.
It is our choice for which we choose to use any platform we may have that reaches people around the world or any technology device that we can use to do positive or negative things with.
In the matrix world where deception is used for wicked agendas the effects it can have on someone’s mind can lead to self-destruction.
One of the issues with technology can be the effect it has on children such as social media sites where anyone can create a profile and alter anything about their life of whom they actually are.
Another danger from a fake profile is an adult that has a plan to harm a child can make a profile and claim to be a child to get personal information from their intended target such as an address.
There are advantages and disadvantages from technology and when it comes to innocent children it is important that we are cautious about every thing our children are doing on any device.
With video games for children it is important to understand which ones are beneficial for their minds and the ones that are not which can cause physical and mental health issues.
When a game is labeled that it is for children this does not always actually mean that it should be or that it is even for learning purposes.
Many of the apps that can be downloaded on a phone or tablet have a downside to them such as an adult can talk to children through these games and parents may not even be aware this is happening.
It is always extremely important when someone is using the internet to be sure and protect all their personal information that anyone can come across that may have bad intentions.
When a child plays video games with a lot of violence for extended periods of time every day or even often this can program the child’s subconscious mind to become violent whether toward the parent, at school, or even just in society.
Online gaming has become very popular in the last 5 to 10 years and can even be a way of making a living.
There are also different age groups that play video games whether online gaming or just for personal entertainment.
Some video games can actually be beneficial such as the ones that require thinking or strategizing.
Another type of video games that have benefits are the ones that requires physical activities like dancing, walking, and running.
It is not the fact that any video game can be bad or good for our mind whether we should play it or not, it is making sure that the mind is of a mature level in which someone has the ability to understand the programming that exist within any game so it can have no effect on their mind personally.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to its fullest however, it is important that we are growing consciously as well.

When we go back and visit the past then it is easy to see how predictive programming of what the future would look like was used in many movies, shows, and even cartoons.
From the beginning of time when television stations became accessible to the public, predictive programming has been used as a way of desensitizing the majority of humanity to any wickedness that is happening in the world carried out by the unnatural soulless entities that exist inside the universe.
Cartoons like “The Jetson’s” showed us how we would have technology devices in our home for anyone’s every need such as a robot maid and many other features that would turn our home into a smart house.
In this cartoon we also seen a whole society flying through the galaxy to their every destination like shopping, school, work, and home.
The movie “Absent Minded Professor” from the 1960s was about magically making a car fly and now in 2020 we can see there are flying cars that exist.
“Back To The Future” was a movie about traveling through time from one year to another whether ancient times, the present or future.
Teleporting has proven to exist with many events that have happened without there being a sure explanation for.
Time travel is possible when an individual has reconnected all their DNA back to the highest source consciousness.
When we are born into the physical human form certain strands of our DNA is disconnected from source and it is through learning the skills of life that we are able to reconnect them.
A movie by the name “Flight Of The Navigator” was about a young boy that was abducted by aliens and later he also learned how to fly the spacecraft.
Over the years there have been many people that have witnessed what appears to be a spaceship or UFO in the sky.
Yes spacecrafts do exists, in fact the governments own many spaceships that is considered to be future technology to the majority of humanity however, they are ancient technology.
There are also many life forms that exist in the universe that have information on the oldest technologies that ever existed.
It is not as uncommon as someone may think to see a UFO, spaceship, or sky phenomenon for things have been happening for many years only now events are coming more rapidly.
“Star Trek” had predictive programming for many things that have happened as well as what is going on in the present times like introducing a cashless world to society that is about global domination.
In this T.V. series we were also shown technology devices then that we would know years later to be called cell phones and computers.
The cartoon “Simpsons” has had more predictions for actual events that happened in real time than most.
It is not the case of writers for this cartoon could see the future, the truth is that many global events have been planned to the last detail and the symbolism is added into cartoon’s and movies as a form of mockery.
These movies named above are only a very small fraction of the ones that exist that are full of predictive programming.
If someone wanted to see even more proof of predictive programming in cartoons, films, movies and even music videos, start researching the older movies and videos from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and even 2000.

With this alleged virus that is now known worldwide that some people are convinced is an act of nature however, there are many facts that show how this whole pandemic since the beginning was created for a much sinister agenda.
The COVID-19 vaccine that was allegedly just created in present times has actually already had a patent on it for many years now.
The inorganic entities that exist within this universe, their sinister agenda started centuries ago to have complete global domination over all humanity by any means necessary.
The truth about the COVID-19 vaccine is that it was created for the destruction and deaths of the majority of humanity.
Inside this vaccine there is a microchip in which will change someone’s entire genetic code such as altering the DNA as well as making someone sterile.
The microchip found in this vaccine was designed to completely change the course of history and the world by replacing the natural human mind and body with a robot computerized program in the form of a microchip.
In some instances humans have already received a chip referred to as RFID which allows someone to buy things with just their hand as it can also serve as identification.
The issue with any type of computer chip technology is that it was never designed to go inside the human body for it is not natural, and they were created by entities that are not natural humans.
There are deadly consequences that come when someone injects something unnatural in their body on the level of a microchip such as someone else has the control to shut your chip off at any time or dying from deadly side effects.
Though some information about many things that are going on in the universe can seem unreal or unbelievable however, it is important to analyze everything for any facts before dismissing it.
Before allowing anyone to inject anything in your body for any reason understand the truth about the ingredients inside every single vaccine and why they were created to begin with.
When you research this COVID-19 vaccine and find out which entities have the most money invested in it and then see what type of entities they are and their agenda, you need to ask yourself if you trust these entities to have your best interest at heart.
In the process of creating this technology vaccine, there was a well-thought-out agenda that went in to it and a release date for exactly when it would start being used on humanity to fulfil a sinister master plan of depopulation and trans humanism.
This vaccine fits perfectly for the timing of an agenda organized many years ago known as Agenda 2030.
Some documents from Agenda 2030 describe how the goal is to have every human on the planet vaccinated with these technology vaccines by the year 2030.
Another fact about Agenda 2030 is the population goal has been set at 500,000 which means eliminating 90% of humanity whether by poison vaccines, food, water, air, land, destruction, and any other way they can.
It is important to not be fooled by any invisible enemy that can cause fear that has you making decisions to lead you to the slaughterhouse.
This vaccine comes with the technology that can prevent humans from giving birth to natural spiritual beings by either making them sterile or by altering the human DNA.
The fact is there may not be future generations being born as natural human beings rather more like a motherboard mind of a robot.
There are unlimited benefits in rejecting any vaccine and instead using the most powerful natural medicine that was put on the earth to heal all of humanity by the Divine Creator.

In the present times we can see how so many things around the world are changing and some of which are not in humanities best interest.
Due to the Invisible Enemy that has become well known around the world in the beginning of 2020, many places have shut down including food companies.
While food companies have been shut down by design for a much bigger agenda, other companies have opened up for a different kind of food production.
With all the technology that exists it is now possible to design food on a 3D printing machine however, it has no health benefits and in fact it is toxic to the human body regardless of the lie that it is just like real food that grows in the ground.
These 3D printers can be used to make inorganic fruits, veggies, and even meat.
Even though a 3D printing machine can make an object look similar to the original it will never be the actual authentic item.
When eating inorganic fake foods anyone is at risk of many serious health conditions that can also be deadly.
The profit that comes from printing inorganic food at a much cheaper cost rather than growing natural foods goes to the inorganic entities that get paid billions of dollars from keeping humanity sick mentally and physically.
It is extremely important to never trade our health for convenience for it can cost us our life.
Another downside to printing food is that it will never have the natural flavors that true healthy organic food does no matter how much season is added to alter the taste.
Save your health by choosing natural foods that were intended to go inside our bodies and rejecting the fake food that was only designed to do harm to our health.
The main way you can vote against the fake food companies is by not purchasing their products.
We must save our health by fighting for our human rights to have healthy organic foods to eat that nourishes our bodies and helps to keep us alive.
The best thing you can do to have fresh healthy food to eat every day is to grow your own always.

Blue beam project is an operation that was created by the inorganic entities many years ago used for the purpose of creating deceptions in the form of a hologram.
This technology works by combining satellites with laser beams and an advanced computer software program to create the design for which is needed to appear in the desired location.
There have been many events that have happened in which blue beam project has been a part of.
Blue beam technology can make objects or even images appear in the sky or any other location that someone chooses.
With the naked eye someone may see a UFO that is actually a photo with special effects as well as it is hard to prove it being a real object due to the distance between you and the object that appeared in the sky.
One of the reasons that blue beam project was created is to deceive humanity with false flag terrorist attacks.
In the event that happened on 9/11/2001 blue beam was used to make it appear as though planes were crashing into buildings when in fact, it was holograms of planes crashing while pre-planned bombs were actually exploding inside the building.
Holograms can also be controlled by a remote to guide them to do whatever activity they were designed to do.
With this technology many types of deceptions are possible that is mainly mind games played with the majority of humanity.
There are future plans for blue beam project such as the coming deception of a fake alien invasion to promote fear to have more control over humanity.
Yes there are many life forms in the universe however, the plan for an alien invasion will be a false flag attempt to make people ask the government to save them from the alleged enemies, so humanity is completely a slave to the matrix system.
Not only is there a false flag event planned with aliens there will also be a false flag of an alleged messiah returning that will in fact be a blue beam hologram.
It is important to know the difference between a real object and a hologram so you are not deceived by illusions that can cause chaos and confusion.