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Today, when many people look around at the condition of this, Created Matrix World Of  Delusions, it is mind-boggling.

Older generations, born before the 2000’s era, are flabbergasted by the significant changes that have taken form, over the past 20 years.


Now in the present times, even the younger generations, are starting to question everything, such as their purpose for their entire existence here, on what we refer to as Planet Earth.

For many years now, anyone paying attention has been witnessing the destruction happening around the world, in many forms.


Whether it is the purposely created deadly storms, poisoned air, water, food, land, homelessness, poverty, hunger, addictions, demonic concoctions called vaccines, psychological boogeymen, and so much more, it is all by design.

It is a fact, that the weather has been controlled for centuries, by these hybrid demonic evil bloodlines, that are walking among us, true organic beings, here on Earth.


The truth is if these demonic hybrid bloodlines can keep the majority of humanity confused with constant distractions, then they continue to keep you as their slave, for your entire lifetime, Cradle to Grave.


Unfortunately, there are many people that willfully choose to be deaf, dumb, and blind to the undeniable truth, that is right in front of them.

Silent weapons for quiet wars, are being used constantly against humanity, in so many ways.


For decades, many people have seen the issues happening around the world, and be-{lie}-ve they have no power to stop them or change them, however, that is a huge misconception to have.

The problem with mind control is that, whatever or whomever outside you that controls your mind, also creates your reality that is not for your best interest.


Since this little demonic magical speech, we have experienced the War On Terror, War On Poverty, War On Drugs, War On Germs, and the War On Misinformation.


What these wars actually mean, is they are purposely created Terror, Poverty, Poisons, and Delusions, that are being used as weapons against humanity, by the very same demonic hybrid bloodlines, that have you worshiping them as your saviors.


Choosing one of the lesser evils, is actually not a choice at all, they are equally evil as a whole.

We also can not discuss the divine truth without talking about all the created religions, and the complete destruction it has caused to humanity.


When demonic hybrid entities, that are your enemies, can create a program with fake characters and a book telling you what their demonic agendas are, then have you be-{lie}-ve that it is just part of a divine plan no matter how evil the plan is, then this is the ultimate psychological slave tool.


It is much easier to convince the majority of humanity with lies, than it is convincing them they have been lied to.

When people are completely brainwashed to think that some fake magical character, that lives in the sky is coming to save them, they will never take the actions to save their own life and they will be a psychological slave for their entire lifetime.


Understand, the more that the majority of humanity gives their energy to these demonic hybrid bloodlines and all their distractions, the more destruction you will continue to see around the world, that has been their agenda the whole time.

The most powerful weapon that anyone can ever truly have, is true infinite knowledge that frees them from the mental prison that has been built around their mind.


When these demonic hybrid entities have control over your mind, they do not have to personally harm you in person, you are programmed to create your very own self-destruction all by yourself, which makes their job so much easier.

These created catastrophic disasters are not the work of Mother Nature at all, nor is there anything natural about them.


People can deny that the weather is being controlled all they want to, however, being willfully deaf, dumb, and blind will never save you when it happens in your city, and it is not an if, it is when it happens, it will only be a matter of time.

Praying to a fake character that was created for you to be-{lie}-ve in, by the enemies, will also not save you.


These created deadly disasters are only becoming more powerful and frequent by the day, with millions of people losing everything, including their life as well as being displaced.

You must understand, that these demonic hybrid entities own all of these corporations that mass produce trillions of products.


All of the insurance companies are owned by these hybrid demons, which means they can destroy everything you have, then also not pay you for any of it from the policy that you have paid into for however long.




It is so extremely important for you to completely know who your enemies actually are and who is not.

There is no Global Warming, everything that is happening with the weather is completely being created and controlled by these demonic hybrid bloodlines.

All of the poison that is sprayed daily in the sky, works in connection with other energy weapons to create all the destruction on a mass scale.




In the last four years, we have witnessed millions of people be intentionally murdered and injured by these demonic concoctions called vaccines, created by these demonic hybrid entities, for the psychological boogeymen called viruses, that they also created.


It is mind-boggling to see more than half of humanity put all their faith and trust into their enemies to have a false sense of safety.

Ignorance is not bliss, in fact it is deadly and sets you up for your very own life of self-destruction.


Not only have we witnessed millions being murdered and injured in the last four years, we have had a front row seat to watch an entire Global Takeover.


Inflation is an illusion, what the world is witnessing is complete Global Domination, which happens when the majority of humanity has been brainwashed to sit back and wait on a fake character to come save them, rather than taking action to save their self.


Many people’s livelihood has also been wiped out during the whole planned Global Financial Takeover, that is disguised as a pandemic.

A lot of people have lost their job for refusing to be injected with these deadly demonic concoctions, and even now four years later after millions have lost their life or injured for life from these demonic concoctions, they are still being pushed and promoted to the world.


No matter how many of us that warned others not to take the demonic concoctions, they did not listen to us and are now suffering with the consequences of their very own ignorance and actions.

It is extremely important to know that every action we take can never be reversed, and some can completely destroy our life in a matter of seconds.


This demonic medical industry that has been built around the world, was never about health, it is actually used for an experiment on humanity, profit, and depopulation, that is why you will never hear an alleged doctor say they are going to cure anyone.

The lack of true knowledge has played a major role is the complete downfall of humanity, for centuries.

Many people can not even half way comprehend what it means for humanity, if the entire air, food, and water supply is completely poisoned, sure this demonic hybrid race has created millions of delicious tasting poisons, however, they can only destroy your life, not give you life.


More and more people are finally starting to see that there is a very wicked agenda going on with our food supply, whether the food is magnetic, rubber, plastic, and other harmful ingredients.

Understand that this wicked is being done intentionally to serve an evil agenda, there is no such thing as a coincidence.


Unfortunately, you can not even trust many of the farmers now, due to the fact that they are also growing the Monsanto GMO frankenfoods.

A lot of people that are growing their own foods have noticed a concerning change in the health of their crops, due to the soil being poisoned by the highly toxic rain water, falling from the chemical filled sky.


Independent test have been ran on rain water, and the results are quite alarming for what was found, the test that have been conducted on the food, air, water, and land are even more alarming.


When you understand this extremely evil agenda to its entirety, you understand that it is a ticking time bomb, that goes far beyond many people’s imagination.

Nothing about this is a conspiracy theory, I only speak from actual facts, not opinions.


I personally have purchased a home-grown watermelon with seeds, from a farmer, and after only one small bite, my mouth tasted like chalk for 4 days.

I truly suggest that everyone open their eyes, ears, and mind to see how they are being attacked in so many silent ways, that soon will be so loud on a mass scale, it will no longer be deniable by being forced to see it in the worst way.


The toxic frankenfood is not just limited to fruits, it is meats, veggies, seasonings, beverages, and all ingredients that originated from a lab.

You must open your eyes and see all the weapons being used against you and your children if you have any.


Understand that this demonic hybrid race has a fulltime job using every weapon they have against you, so you remain their slave mentally and physically.

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