So many times we get caught up in looking outside our self for something to fix our problems.

No matter what the issue is that we are having in our personal life, the answer we are looking for is always inside us.

Sometimes we face situations that can feel like it has us defeated however, there is no situation that is stronger than we are.

It is important that every one understands how we attract certain situations to our life with the thoughts we have and the actions we choose every day.

We improve our life by choosing to grow mentally and spiritually every single day for there is always something more to learn about life.

Every person grows on their individual levels as well as at their own speed for it is not a competition as every one has their own lessons to learn.

By expanding our mind and consciousness every situation becomes easier to deal with on a positive level.

When we are on o low vibration we will continue to attract negative circumstances to our life.

Self development is about growing and understanding who you are without any outside influence to make the choice.

It can be easy to get lost in the world that is outside us however, it is important that we understand the real world that is inside us.

We do learn from experiences in our life, and we also learn from our senses such as what we are feeding our eyes, ears, and mouth.

Our mind is most important for the complete growth throughout our entire journey of life.

Yes what we eat is important for our health however, it is our mind that has the most power.

Many people do not realize how much what we watch with our eyes and listen to with our ears have a direct effect on the life we live.

Everything is stored in our subconscious mind quickly and mostly unknowingly however, it is from choices that we made consciously that the information was created to be stored.

Sometimes we may make decisions without fully thinking about it first and this one choice can change our life forever.

Making a choice without thinking first does not have to end badly as well because it is possible to put too much thought on something possibly due to fear of the uncertain outcome.

Life is not all about planning every single moment for we are also meant to take chances and trust our self and the decision we made to be the right one for us.

Many times if we have fear of something, this can keep us from becoming our best version that we came here to be.

Making a life-changing decision does not have to be scary when you know you are in align with what you were called here to do.

Every person is on their own mission to do what they feel is best for their and what resonates with them for we are all meant to have a variety of skills to be able to help each other to grow.


When we feel what is to be considered as bad things that are happening to us, we ask why due to not being aware of how our thoughts and actions create the reality we live every day.

It is easier to accept being a victim rather than having to take responsibility for our own life however, accepting the status of victim does not help us to grow on any level.

Being a victim means believing that someone or something outside you has power over you and this is not true, it is that of which our mind believes that has the power.

Whether in this lifetime or a past lifetime whatever energy we send out into the universe will always make its way back to us.

Every single action we take also comes with a reaction whether it is considered to be negative or positive.

When we accept responsibility for our own life there is no limit to the amazing things we can do verses when we are a victim there will always be limits to what we can do by thinking that someone or something can keep us from doing anything.

Success comes from knowing our own power, happiness come from within, and the love we have for our self and each other. 

Sometimes when someone feels like they are a victim it is due to them not being aware that happiness has to come from within first and what is outside can only add to their level of happiness.

It can feel better sometimes when we can blame someone else for an issue that showed up in our life however, when we analyze the situation and think back to our past actions, thought, or choices it is easier to see the link between the past and present and how we create our reality constantly.

Many times things happen in our life that is also meant to teach us lessons that can turn into blessings.

The universe is always working in our favor by responding to our thoughts and what we are focusing on for there is no difference between negative and positive only the fact that it is a thought which creates the physical.

Another problem with being a victim is getting stuck in one point and time by letting any situation have complete control over your life and not being able to move on from it.

The moment we take control over our life we will see everything else begin to change in our reality to lead us to the greatest version of life we desire to live.

When we do not have control of our mind something that happened in our life even as long as 20, 30, or 40 years ago can still have an effect in the present times for the issue was never resolved from within us.

Even though certain situations can be very tough to go through, it is important to face them head on without fear and a positive perception of the outcome.

Just by changing the way that we perceive any situation can greatly improve the chances of getting positive results from it.

The more we understand the universe and how it works the easier it is for us to know that we are not a victim of any circumstance rather it was an experience we needed to go through to grow in that area of our life.


For the majority of humanity has been taught since they were a very young age that it is someone outside them that would save them as long as certain rules are followed.

The truth is that we are the one we are waiting on to save us for the true power has always been inside each one of us.

When we are focused on looking outside our self to find solution to a problem then it can never be solved for the answer already exist inside us.

There are many names placed on what the majority of humanity considers to be the Divine Creator however, this all powerful intelligent energy is not of a certain name for it exists in all things.

Whether someone refers to the all powerful as God, The Most High, or The Divine Creator they are all a higher source of energy that also exists inside us.

Many times the reason people do not believe in their own power is because they have not directly seen it at work due to giving their power to someone outside them instead of their self.

When someone is giving their energy and focus to an alleged entity in the sky then this is giving their power away to a less powerful source for the divine power inside us is what wakes us up every single day.

Every morning we wake up this is enough proof alone to know that the most powerful source of energy lives within us always never outside us.

Many people have spent their whole life waiting to live their dream life not realizing they could have created it at any time with the power of the mind.

Many people feel as if the world is happening to them rather than understanding we are creating our reality every single moment with our thoughts whether it is what we want or do not want.

We have the power to change our thought patterns at any time to get the life we desire to have.

We hold the key to our divine destiny so it is important to think before speaking any word and before taking any actions.

Changing our mind from negative to positive is not as difficult as one may think it just takes some training as with any skill you want to learn.

Even though sometimes it can be challenging thinking positive when we are experiencing a negative situation, it is possible to do which will create a better outcome.

The key to living the life we desire is acting and feeling as if we are already living that life before we actually are.

For example when someone is always repeating to their self that they are strong even when they may feel weak they will begin to feel strength that they never thought they had.

When someone is always saying they are broke then they will continue to experience the feeling of there being a lack of money or resources.

You can begin training your mind for positivity with meditation, love frequency music and tones.

The more you practice on controlling your mind and thoughts the better you will be at manifesting what you desire as well as seeing results more quickly.

Whatever life we desire to live already exists in the universe it is just up to us to claim it by claiming our higher self.

Every thought that we put enough focus on becomes physical, so when we become more aware of our thoughts and the ones that we need to replace that are not serving us, then it is easier to reject the negative thoughts to make room for the positive ones.

After training your mind to be a manifesting machine, you will notice how every thing begins to fall into place and each day will feel even more amazing than the one before.

Your mind holds the answer to every thing you have a question about in the entire universe.


Self development is not just about improving our mind, it is also about having complete physical health.

Whatever we are feeding our body has a direct effect on how our mind functions and when our body is full of toxins the brain is not functioning on its full potential.

All the chemicals that are found in non-organic foods have negative side effects on our brain health and other major organs which can cause poor brain function as well as the ability to focus properly.

Fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, herbs, and spices are all great sources to get more brain power from.

The better we feel physically will be the healthier we are mentally for which our brain is the driving force for our entire body.

When our body is getting all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs, then this will automatically boost our immune system, mood, and energy levels.

Choosing a plant based lifestyle can be one of the best most important decisions one can make for their health.

Chemicals that are in unnatural foods can cause serious side effects such as brain damage which will interrupt the bodies natural functions.

When eating a raw plant based diet you know you are getting the most benefits from the food that is provided by Mother Nature the way it was meant to be eaten.

Our body is designed to heal itself however, if it is constantly fighting against the toxins we are consuming the body will wear down over time and be less effective at flushing chemicals out of our body.

It is best to only consume the foods that have health benefits and keep us feeling our best every day.

Also, to get the most benefits from plant based foods it is best to eat them uncooked or cooked for a short period at very low temperatures so all the nutrients remain in the food.

Another way to get all the nutrients from plant based foods quicker is by using them in a smoothie which circulates straight through the bloodstream without the body having to work to break the food down which can take hours.

Drinking smoothies with all natural ingredients every day is highly beneficial for our complete health and it is also possible to start seeing positive results almost immediately.

Ginger, garlic, and cayenne are all very powerful ingredients to add to any smoothie to feel a positive effect from.

The sooner we start making the choices to improve our health the quicker we can begin to feel better than we ever have even in our younger years.

Our complete health is the most important thing in the entire world for without it, we can never be our greatest version.

Being dedicated to improving your health will make it much easier to make choices that you otherwise would not have.

We must take care of our health to prevent illnesses for it is easier to prevent than it is to reverse any illness.

Even though it is possible to cure any illness why not make the choices that can prevent us from being sick and having downtime due to not feeling our best.

Many people have the belief that eating healthy means tasting foods that have no flavor however, this is not actually true for there are a wide variety of healthy flavorful foods to choose from.

Choosing health also means you are choosing to live a longer life as this will add years to your life rather than subtract them.

The more you eat healthy and choose all natural food the more you will crave it and the less you will desire to have anything that is not natural.

Also, the more natural food you eat it will be more obvious to taste all the artificial ingredients that are in the toxic foods you may be eating every day that you could not taste before.

Raw plant based food works to alkalize the body which will prevent most if not all diseases and unnatural food works to make the body acidic which causes many serious health conditions.

Start improving your life today by making your health the number one priority.


Now is the time to live your life the way that is best for you to become your greatest version.

A lot of times we get stuck on the wrong path by trying to live our life according to someone else’s opinion of how we are supposed to.

No one can know what is best for us better than we know our self for we are all on our unique journey.

There can also be an issue in our life when we are feeling as if we need someone’s approval of us to feel validated.

The statement everything is not for everyone is true for what works for one person may not work for another person for it is up to us to choose for our self.

Life is what we make it to be as for we are always creating our current reality every minute.

It can be easy for us to have doubts about our dreams and goals when something does not always work out the way we want it to or when we desire it to.

Many times we can find our self on what we think to be the wrong path and it can still lead us to where we need to be.

The journey of life is not a straight line to follow for it has a lot of twist and turns as well as many doors that close in front of us are blessings in disguise.

The most important part of life is all the experiences we have along the way and all the lessons we learn that helps us to grow.

Life does not come with an instruction manual however, all the tools we need to advance to our highest self already exists inside us.

This human experience is only temporary and no one is promised a certain amount of time to be here, so it is up to us to make the best of the time we do have and take nothing for granted.

One of the most powerful ways to grow is by being grateful for every experience you have had that helped you to be the amazing person you are today.

When we spend time living in the past we can not move forward and it will only create more of the same past situations in our future that we are focused on.

Yes sometimes it can be hard to move on from certain situations that may have affected us deeply however, we can fix our mind to not have to deal with these issues any longer.

There are many people around the world that have had very similar experiences as for it is up to each person how they react to it that will determine the outcome.

You have the power to use the gift of life you have been given to let your light shine that brings even more beauty to the world.

To many times we allow other people’s opinion of us affect the choices that we make that could very well turn out to be a missed opportunity.

Every person that enters our life does not always have good intentions for us due to the fact that some people have their own agendas so, it is up to us to see the signs and warnings we are given.

We will meet a lot of people throughout our life, some will only be temporary while others are permanent as for we to must make our own judgment if a person is uplifting us or tearing us down that is in our life.

Someone that has a good support system around them that are always wishing them the best in every thing they do usually advances faster than someone that has people around them that stays on a low negative vibration.

Yes it is true we can care for a lot of people or even love them as for we also have to understand when it is time to let them go from our life.

When we have people in our life that causes us stress or steals our peace then, this will have a negative effect on our health.

It is best to only keep people in our life that helps us to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

It is also a good idea to be around like-minded people or someone that inspires you to be your greatest version.

Choose wisely when allowing someone in your life for the people that we spend the most time around, will have the most influence on our reality.

We should never compare our self to someone else as well for we do not know that individuals personal story or the emotions that they may be dealing with internally.

When we are own the internet it can be easy for us to wish we had someone else’s life that may appear to be glamorous however, we do not know what that person may have had to go through to get to the point they are at.

So many times things may appear to be completely opposite of what they actually are and this is due to our perception of something without knowing the facts about a situation before we make judgment about it.

Someone online can appear to be the happiest person ever when in actuality they very well can be a depressed person off camera, so before comparing your self to someone else, the other person can be worse off then you are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually which is more important than their finances.

Yes money is used for many things in the at the present time as for it is our internal bank balance that matters.

When you can still feel wealthy with only having a dollar then, you know you have mastered eternal wealth.

Many people only feel wealthy according to their bank balance however, it is our love and health that makes us truly wealthy.

Let every thing you do in life have a purpose and meaning as well as always improve your health.

One key to life is doing what you love and love what you do as well as use your talents to inspire others and this creates abundance.

When we are thinking about getting rich most people think it means having the paper money when it actually means how can you serve humanity on a positive level.

When you are doing what you are passionate about and also helping others in the process in return your passion will pay for itself.

There are a variety of ways we all can serve humanity whether it is spreading love, caring for others, creating laughter, being an inspiration, and many other things.

The best part about giving to others is the feeling we have afterwards that let us know we did the right thing from our heart.

The universe also works through us to answer someone’s prayer so, when we are able to help someone out then we should for we are that persons answer they were looking for.

People have been placed in our life by the universe for a reason the same way we have been placed in someone else’s life.

Every thing in the universe is happening in divine order for there are no coincidences, so we know there is a lesson to be learned from every single experience we have.

Some experiences we have also has to be repeated when we do not learn the complete lesson the first time.

You never have to feel defeated by the universe always remember it is only responding to us according to our thoughts we focus on.

Start living your best life by knowing the universe is always working in your favor and you have the power to create the world you desire to live in.

No one has to accept the life they do not desire to live for anyone can change their lives immediately by changing their mind.

Always understand there is nothing or no one outside you that has any power over you other than the power given to them.

You are your own authority not any entity of which comes from the world outside you.

Fix your mind to know that you deserve to have the best life and that is what you shall have.

We only attract to us that of which resonates with the energy we have and what we send out in the universe.